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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Catholic Life

The Good Shepherd Service 2019

Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
John 10:10

Our Ethos

The Governors and staff are strongly committed to building and strengthening the Catholic ethos of the school. Underlying our teaching and our relationships are the Gospel Values of Unity, Respect, Joy, Love and Courage. Our aim, within this context, is that all members of our community show respect and care for one another and extend their concern to the needy by prayer and charitable service. We place a great emphasis on home, school and parish links.

The school strives to build on the foundations of faith started from the home and seeks to provide an environment where beliefs and values of the Catholic faith are taught, explained, developed and nurtured.  Our School is a place where each child believes in their own potential, in an environment where they can succeed and achieve. 

Catholic Life in Action