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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Year 5


Class teacher: Mr Dan Horne


Teaching Assistants: Mr Moran and Mrs Manning


Important Days

Monday = Collective Worship

Tuesday = Swimming (please bring kit into school) & Singing

Wednesday = Maths Homework handed out and collected in

Thursday = Class Collective Worship

Friday = Spelling Test and PE Day

Residential Dates = 24th - 26th January 2024

Year 5 Curriculum Documents

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2023-24

Year 5 Summer Newsletter

Topic Homework Ideas

Year 5 and 6 Spellings

RE Half Term Objectives

RSE Timetable Summer Term

Class Information

Class Charity = RSPCA

Class Saint = St Juan Diego

Useful Websites

Below is a list of websites which can be used to enhance your child’s learning:

Letter Join

TT Rockstars
