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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Year 2


Class teacher: Mr Verhees
Support staff: Mrs Wood and Mrs Mills



Important Days

  • PE is on a Tuesday and Friday. Please bring your kit in on a Monday and take it home on Friday.
  • Maths homework is due in on a Wednesday.
  • Spelling tests are every Friday.
  • Reading Raffle is every Friday.

Our Year 2 Curriculum

Long term plan 2023-2024

Mid Term Plan 2024

Weekly timetable 2023-2024 

Curriculum Newsletters 2023-2024


Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2023-2024

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2023-2024

Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2023-2024

Curriculum information

Maths calculation policy

RE I can statement HT1

RE I can statement HT2

RE I can statement HT3


Non-statutory SATS will be administered throughout the month of May.

Year 2 RSE Timetable

Year 2’s RSE: Ten Ten Timetable Summer 2023-2024

Year 2 Spellings


Spellings 2023-2024

Year 2 Common exception words


  • This half term spelling tests will be every Friday.
  • Homework will consist of the following:


Please try and read with your child at least 3 times a week at home.

Maths homework books. Complete 1 section a week and due every Wednesday.

Weekly spellings; test on Fridays.

Termly topic project, choose an activity from the handout or create your own! Spring Term’s, Coastlines homework is due on Monday 18th March 2024.

Topic Homework

HT1 Topic Homework letter for parents

HT1 Topic Homework ideas: Movers and Shakers

Spring Topic Homework letter for parents

Spring Topic Homework ideas: Coastline

Summer Topic Homework letter for parents

Summer Topic Homework ideas: Magnificent Monarchs


Floppy Phonics letter for parents and carers

Floppy Phonics Guidance

Floppy Phonics Alphabet Code

Phonics Evening Slides 2022-2023

Class Information

Year 2’s Class Saint is Saint David.

Year 2’s Class charity is Help for Heroes.

Useful websites

  • Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. Logins to these websites will be stuck on your child’s reading diary.
  • Numbots is a website where your child can practice their number bonds and counting skills, competing against friends.  