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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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We are very proud of our school and feel that our uniform is an important sign that we are all one family. It is a visible sign to all that we are a Christian community who work together to provide the very best for our children. High standards in everything are very important to us and our uniform is one way that our search for excellence is expressed. The uniform is also a clear statement to the children of the close partnership that exists between home and school and that their parents fully support the ethos and work of the school.

Uniform Policy

PE Kit Policy

All Pupils

  • Blue polo shirt with/without school logo
  • Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan with/without school logo
  • Sensible dark coloured shoes- no trainers or boots


  • Grey pinafore, grey skirt or full length grey school trousers.
  • Summer option - Blue and white checked dress
  • Tights – Plain dark coloured
  • Socks - White


  • Grey school trousers or grey school shorts
  • Socks – Plain dark coloured


  • Plain white t-shirt & navy blue or black shorts
  • Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
  • Black pumps

Optional items

  • Navy Fleece with school logo
  • Waterproof Jacket with logo

Please note black trousers, shorts or skirts are not permitted school uniform.

Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled. Uniform items with the logo are available from:

The School & Dance Shop, 3 Chapel Street, Knaresborough. Tel 01423 860447.

Or online from:

My Clothing

My Clothing Size Chart

My Clothing Price List