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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Year 4 


Mrs Davey (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) & Mrs Laycock (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Support staff: Mrs Jackson, Mrs Lowen, Mrs Clayton




Important Days

Monday - PE Outdoors (Please ensure that your child has suitable PE kit and a coat in school)
Tuesday - Diocesan singing program and swimming
Wednesday - Homework to be handed in and marked
Friday - Spelling test
             - Spellings handed out

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
From Monday 3rd June 2024 until Friday 14th June 2024

Our Year 4 Curriculum 

Year 4 Long Term Plan

Autumn Spellings

Spring Spellings

Summer Spelling

Spring Topic Homework ideas

RE Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser

RE Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser

RE Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser

RE Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser

RE Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser

RE Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling

Letter Join Year 4 Home learning Pack 1

Letter Join Year 4 Home learning Pack 2

Curriculum Newsletter

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2023-2024Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2023-2024Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2023-2024

Class Information

In Year 4 our class Saint is St Francis of Assisi and our class charity is Macmillian Cancer support. Every September we run a coffee morning to raise money for this wonderful charity. This year we raised £374!

In Year 4 our homework consists of

  • Maths practice journal pages
  • Termly topic project
  • Reading signature challenge (Heard read by an adult 3 times a week)
  • Spellings
  • Spellings will be handed out each Friday and tested the following Friday

Useful Website

Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. If you need a reminder of your login, let me know!

  • Times Table Rock Stars enabled children to practice their times tables to help them get quicker and more accurate.
  • Oxford Owl is a website where your children can read a book on a computer or tablet. You will need to click on Oxford owl for home and create your own login,
  • Espresso provides a range of activities on all curriculum subjects. Please explore the Maths, SPaG and English areas. Also have a look at current Science and Topic areas.
  • Letter join is a great website to practise our handwriting it can be used on computers or tablets.
  • BBC bitsize provides a range of videos, quizes and games on a range of subjects.